Monday, September 24, 2007

New Inspiration!

Ok, I've failed to post on here for the past two and half weeks. I'm sorry. I need to work on staying on top of posting at least once a week for an update of what is going on. Today I was checking out the The Simple Dollar blog and found a great idea that I want to try for myself. The author wrote an article about an idea which he read about on some other blog. The idea involves completing 101 goals in 1001 days. I like this idea alot and am going to come up with a list of all of my goals that I would like to accomplish in 1001 days. I'm not going to count out the days, I'm just going to pick an end date a little over 2 and half years from now. I will be working on my list this week and come up with as many goals as I can. I'm not sure if I will end up with 101 goals or not but I will have a long complete list of what I want to accomplish in the next couple years and hopefully this will get me inspired to get out and accomplish these things.

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