Thursday, February 28, 2008

Offered on a House

Well, last night my fiance and I decided to go ahead and put an offer in on the house that we hope to buy. We met over at our realtors office about 7 pm and after looking at the neighborhood comps and the sellers disclosure we went ahead and decided on an offer to send the sellers.

The house asking price is $164,900. We offered them $158,900 and asked for a majority of closing costs, the refridgerator and a home warrenty. I'm not sure how that offer compares. Whether we are asking too much or too little. It is an offer I feel good about putting in which gives us some room for negotiation to a point where we would be satisfied.

Next we will wait and see what they come back with. Hopefully they come back with a decent counter offer. My fear is they will not come back with anything and then we will have to move on to something else. I don't think I could work with someone that wouldn't budge a little on asking price if they are serious about selling thier house. We should find out sometime today whether they accept, reject, or counter our offer. I'm expecting a counter offer.

1 comment:

asgreen said...

Congrats! And good luck, I hope they counter offer.